Do you need a dilapidation report for your building?
When we say ‘dilapidation report’, we are talking about a document showing the state of a building and its surroundings where construction, excavation, and demolition will take place. It is also called as Property Condition Report.
It is an inspection report made prior to starting a construction project in commercial or residential areas.

Why are dilapidation reports so important?
This report is important to a property owner because it serves as a legal document in the event of accusations from neighbours that could make you liable for damage or cracks on their property. It can also protect you from claims that your work has caused damage to their premises.
A dilapidation report is recommended before developing or constructing any residential building in order to protect the owner and nearby residents. When a contractor builds a new house in behalf of the owner, without working on a dilapidation report, or taking photos or any evidence at all, there will be a higher possibility that one of the neighbours will complain.
The builder may be blamed for a small damage, or for any crack, leak, or deterioration in the adjoining properties. That neighbour might file charges against the owner that will result in blaming the builder. Damages will be asked of the builder even though they were not at fault. The main significance is to protect yourself against possible disputes with your neighbours.

Who are authorised in making dilapidation reports?
An experienced and expert building consultant, or structural engineer with an extensive architectural and engineering background, is the person qualified to make these reports. If you are not sure whether a dilapidation report is necessary, a professional building inspector can help you.
What does a dilapidation report contain?
- Dilapidation reports include quantifications, illustrations, specifications, and photos that describe the real conditions of the area being inspected. It is authorised and signed by both the contractor and the property owner.
- It also contains comprehensive details on existing damage that may include wall cracks, immoderate moisture, and disrepair for both internal and external locations.
- The areas that may not be fully accessible or accessible at all are also shown in the report.
- Job number, type of property, property owner, date and time of inspection, name of inspector and his company, inspector’s contact details, occupant providing access, weather condition and orientation are just some of the important information specified as well.
- It also indicates the purpose of the report.
- A set of photos gathered to illustrate defects.
- Other construction details like the materials used and renovations are also explained.
- General scope and conditions are included.
- Review of findings on the elements and its conditions are clearly stated.
Do you need a dilapidation report?
A dilapidation report is not really always required but it is up to you, the owner, if you want to get recommendations for any and all repairs or additional assessments that need to be done. After all, it gives you the peace of mind, and prevents you from worrying about problems that might exist later on.
As a building owner, your main concern is to that everything is checked from the floor to the roof, and even up to the roads surrounding the place. You can prevent yourself and the people who will do the construction or demolition from possible dangers that might occur during their work. In fact, you can also protect yourself against financial loss. So generally, you will feel secured and rest assured that nothing wrong will happen.
Get professional advice from an experienced building inspector today. Contact us at EBI today!