Since the discovery of human drugs, its good effects also come with adverse effects. The harm brought about by prohibited drugs does not only come from human consumption. The worst-case scenario is it would leave traces on buildings that can last many years. It may not be noticeable at first, but it would be too late when the side effects of harmful drug exposure appear. Thankfully, new methods have been discovered to detect traces of drugs in real estate.
People all over the world now recognise the presence of efforts to fight the harmful effects of drugs. As a proactive generation, we pay attention to different ways to rehabilitate from dangerous drugs. If you want to protect your loved ones, clients, employees, or anyone who resides in a building you choose, make sure to begin with real estate drug testing.
Real estate drug testing to ensure building safety
What started as research in Adelaide, has now become a renowned technique used all over the country and even globally. Real estate drug testing can now be done through swab kits. It could detect the residue of illicit drugs in both commercial and residential properties.
Real estate drug testing is like a litmus test for knowing the pH of substances. The testing is done by getting a sample or swab from the surface of the property. This sample is then brought to a laboratory for chemical testing. Some DIY swab kits can be found online. Still, the most reliable results will come from known companies with experience in conducting the property drug test.
What may be found in real estate drug testing?
One of the top drugs in Australia is Crystal Methamphetamine or “ice.” Meth residue in properties also has one of the most health threatening. That is why it is one of the primary drugs detected with real estate drug testing. It is no surprise as Australians are found to use more meth than almost all other countries. If put into numbers, this is more than 1.3 million ice users in Australia who are over 14 years old.
Traces of other illicit drugs can also appear in residential and commercial properties. These include drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy, and heroin. More than 50 different substances can come out of the test.
How much meth residue in a property is considered harmful?
Real estate drug testing could detect meth residue in your property. Harmful amounts are methamphetamine levels above 0.5 micrograms for every 100cm square or 0.5μg/100cm². If the results of your real estate drug testing reveal numbers more significant than this level, it means that your property is contaminated.
Why is it real estate drug testing essential?
Exposure to meth and other illicit drugs can have harmful effects on the human body. Residue amounts may seem small at first, but imagine yourself being in this property daily for years. That can even be more exposure than those who use the drug itself. What is worse is that the side effects are long term. More susceptible are those with weaker immune systems or are yet to develop, like infants and children. People with conditions such as asthma are also at risk of health problems.
Meth residue will dwell on floors, carpets, and walls where children crawl. It can affect us in so many different ways, from brain development to respiratory problems. The most common issues related to meth exposure include:
- Headache, difficulty sleeping, vivid dreams
- Behavioural changes such as inattention and irritability
- More prone to colds and persistent cough
- Eye irritation, skin rash
What happens if you fail to do real estate drug testing?
If you are a property owner or property manager, you are obliged to ensure that your property is meth-free by having a real estate drug testing. Landlords can face legal lawsuits from tenants or even neighbours if the property is found to be contaminated.
In reality, however, everyone is responsible for safety. Real estate drug testing could also be done not only by landlords but also home buyers and sellers, real estate agents, and property investors. The local Council, as well as insurance companies, can also conduct testing. Property drug testing is not limited to residential buildings, but also commercial properties and accommodation venues. Even vehicles can be tested, especially second-hand cars and rental vehicles.

What is the cost of property drug testing?
Drug testing of a real estate will only cost a few hundred dollars. What is more expensive is the cost of remediation you would need if your property is left untreated for years. The damages would be more extent, and even the risks are higher.
For example, a woman in New South Wales was forced to abandon her home and leave all her belongings after she experienced the effects of meth poisoning. She was only to take her two cats and a bag of belongings because all her other stuff was already contaminated. The cost of the damages is too much compared to the minimal cost of real estate drug testing.
There will be no risk to your health or even your belongings if you have property drug testing before moving in. A few hundred dollars is a good investment for safety and security. You may contact here for an exact quote on property drug testing, depending on your location.
Test for meth residue in Newcastle & Lake Macquarie
Protect the health and well-being of your family, clients, or employees. Make sure you find a trustworthy company to do real estate drug testing who will give accurate information. Exceptional Building Inspection has been testing properties for years. Reliable results are essential for safety and efficiency. Contact us today on 4950 4197 or 0412 188 199 for any enquiries about our drug and contamination testing services.